Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Apologies, apologies

First and foremost I would like to apologize for the lack of updates lately. There are a few reasons for this, first and foremost being I have been lacking in the interwebs. While I can write posts all night long, posting them without internet is somewhat problematic. I am still lacking a "T" key, but I've learned to use the keyboard to the extent where trying to hit the key in the middle is no longer really an issue.

So, with that being said, let's move on to what's been going on in my absence. Besides becoming an official Ellie-owner, training has also been progressing amazingly well. We had a bit of a hiccup for about a week when she was in heat where she was doing a lovely spinning act. Add to that ducking her head down to the dirt so low she was coming back with orange clay mustaches... it was a rough week.

HowEVER! We have moved past said speed bump (the pony gods must have been in cahoots with the proverbial Murphy that week) and we are now working regular five to six day work weeks. Ellie is blossoming under this work load, and a lot of the fat that was still lying around on her belly and topline is slowly melting away and leaving an even more beautiful mare behind.

Have I mentioned I love this mare? 

The picture on the left was taken a week before I met Ellie back in December. The one on the right was taken almost exactly 60 days later, with 30 days of training under saddle in her. I realize they were taken on different sides, but the sun was working against us. I will hopefully get another picture at 60 days under saddle and I can put up another comparison. 

Continuing on about her training, currently we are working on being flexible and straight under saddle. Currently she has a lovely habit of tiling her head and hindquarters into towards the center of the ring, which we are working to rectify. Each day she understands better and better that if she's soft and straight, I'm soft and quiet. Today we ended our trot work with a nice relaxed trot with a slight contact. 

Now... if you caught the segue... We are now doing more than just trot work!

As of yesterday Ellie is now officially under saddle W-T-C. At the end of our ride yesterday she was being so quiet and supple that I decided to ask for a canter. At first she was confused as to what I was asking, but after a little guidance with my seat she took the cue and cantered for about six strides. Hooray! I asked again, guiding her into the canter with a rhythm from my seat and legs, and volia! We have a cantering pony. A few circles at one end of the ring and we call it quits for the day. 

Today we did the same, a lot of trot work, and then I asked for a canter in the opposite direction from yesterday. She picked up the canter much quicker, and cantered around the circle a few times for me. 

Ellie is turning out to be a quick study, and I can't say enough great things about her. Currently though, I hear a toddler bouncing on his bed, so I must be off. I promise posts won't be so far between any more!

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